Collage of Stone Building, Sandels Building, foliage, and bronze statue

College of Education and College of Health and Human Sciences Expansion

Florida State University Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Jim Clark announced Wednesday, May 3, 2023, that the university will combine the College of Education and College of Health and Human Sciences, strategically positioning both colleges for future success.

Latest Updates - September 20, 2023

As we get further into fall semester, the College has been working tirelessly on the expansion process. On Wednesday, Sept. 20, the FSU Faculty Senate officially approved a new name for the College, now the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS). With this announcement, CEHHS is working to update its web presence including the official website, social media accounts, and email lists. The College's new website URL,, was launched on Tuesday, Sept. 26. The previous site now redirects to

For an extended grace period, the website of the former College of Health and Human Sciences ( will continue to exist to ensure ease of access to information and resources for students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders during this transition period. After this grace period concludes, the URLs will redirect to

In conjunction with the announcement of our College's new name, the FSU Faculty Senate approved a new name for the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology. The department has been renamed to the Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences (HNFS). The College is diligently working to reflect this change throughout our online presence in the coming days and weeks.

timeline of college name

For our social media presence, many of the social media services allow accounts to combine, which we plan on implementing whenever possible. As such, we are excited to welcome an expanded audience to our College. Where social media accounts cannot be combined, we will direct audiences to the new accounts. While we will not be posting new content to these older social media accounts, we will continue to monitor them for the foreseeable future.

Finally, our faculty, staff, students, and alumni have been receiving information from the expanded College over the summer and fall. We plan on continuing this communication, but we will be updating the sender address to reflect the new name. Any anticipated changes will be simply cosmetic, such as updating the College’s name in the footer of the email.

We are excited for what the future holds for the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, and we are constantly working to provide the very best for our students, faculty, staff, and alumni as we work towards our goal of maximizing human potential.


“The realignment of these units creates opportunities to support the research, teaching and service mission of the university through combined expertise and resources. By taking this action, we will create a strong single entity that is in the best interest of both colleges — today and far into the future.” 

Jim Clark

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