What Can You Do with a Teaching Degree (Besides Teaching)?

Josh Duke

Not everyone who goes to college knows what they want to do with the rest of their lives. Most people can agree on that idea. What most people don’t as often acknowledge is that not everyone who completes college knows what they want to do afterwards. For some people, a degree is a stepping stone into a career; for others, it’s the beginning of a life journey. Either path is okay (as long as you’re happy!).

Say you got your teaching degree and realize that you don’t want to be in a classroom. What can you do with a teaching degree other than teaching? That’s the question that might be going through your head. Fortunately, those with teaching degrees can go into plenty of other careers. While some of these suggestions might require you to work for a postgraduate degree, your teaching degree can take you further than you might realize.

Here are a few ideas on what you can do with a teaching degree other than teach:

Government Work

If you’ve been in the classroom, you are already probably familiar with some of the policies and laws that shape education. For some people, working in government becomes their calling. A good place to start is to look at the state level, but you could also consider working at the U.S. Department of Education. Alternatively, you could also look into non-profits, lobbying groups, and other organizations that champion causes important to teachers. FSU’s programs in Education Policy and Evaluation can help you on your path to a career in these fields.


Running an effective classroom is all about management. Even if you have never been a manager at a business, you will have the experience you need to leverage a management position. There might be other skills that you need to develop, but you may surprise yourself at how similar running a department is compared to running a classroom.

School Administrator

School administrators usually start out as educators. If you find yourself wanting to leave the classroom but make a direct difference at a school or school district, school administration might be perfect for you. To make yourself an even more attractive candidate, consider getting your master’s in Educational Leadership and Administration from FSU’s online program.


Another occupation that might require additional education, school librarians still interact and often teach children while not having to manage a classroom. Most library positions ask for a master’s in Library Science, particularly in secondary and postsecondary institutions.

Translator , .

For teachers of foreign languages, your mastery of a second language could prepare you well for a job in translation or even as an interpreter. Demands for these positions change depending on what language you speak. Working as a translator opens up opportunities in both the private and public sector.


As a teacher, you more than likely know your way around books and resources. Additional degrees might help make you an attractive candidate. You might be surprised at the industries that ask for and hire dedicated researchers. Play to your strengths and become a researcher of a subject that you already know.

Just because you have a teaching degree doesn’t mean you have to work in the classroom for the rest of your life. Getting a bachelor’s degree prepares you for a variety of different types of jobs by sharpening your abilities and enhancing your natural skills. Discover the variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees offered by the FSU College of Education.