Education Ph.D.s: Time and Cost

Jennie Kroeger

A doctoral degree is the highest commendation a university can bestow upon its students. For those interested in pursuing a doctorate in education, the time and costs associated are truly dependent on how quickly you want to get through it. As it stands, there is no definitive cost or timeframe for a particular Ph.D. program.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Ph.D.?

How long it takes to complete your doctorate in education or gain a special education Ph.D. is up to you. As with most degrees in public universities, there is a series of core curricula that every student has to take regardless of their major, along with basic coursework for their field of study. Towards your fifth or sixth semester, you will attend advanced classes geared more towards your major. For doctorate programs, you can typically expect to take upwards of 60 additional hours of coursework and research to obtain your Ph.D. on top of your master's. It's important to keep in mind that getting your Ph.D. isn't simply about getting all of the necessary credit hours; it's about publishing original research to demonstrate you're truly an expert in your field, so the timeframe to complete your Ph.D. isn't necessarily dependent on the number of semester hours. If you're looking for a quick answer, you should know that most Ph.D. programs will take around 4 years on top of your undergraduate and master's coursework, assuming you're taking an average number of credits each semester.

What Does it Cost to Get a Ph.D.?

Cost of a PhD in education

According to a recent study from the National Center for Education Statistics, the average price for a doctoral degree was $10,725 per year. That statistic was much higher for private school institutions, averaging in at $22,607. Time frame for a PhD in education

Depending on your Ph.D. program path, graduate degrees can take anywhere from 5 - 10 years to complete, putting the total figure for a Ph.D. degree in the range of $50,000 to about $100,000. As with all things, the cost to achieve your doctorate really depends on what university you attend and how long you take to gain all the required credits. Coursework aside, there are additional costs to obtaining your Ph.D., such as the cost of living, food, travel and more, all of which you will have to consider. The good news is that the FSU College of Education offers over $400,000 annually in scholarship and fellowship opportunities - more than any other public College of Education in Florida. You can learn more about scholarship and aid opportunities at In the education field, there are a number of focuses for a Ph.D. program. You can obtain a degree in the fields of educational research, education policy, education philosophy, curriculum and instruction, and more. Learn more about the various Ph.D. programs available at Florida State University's College of Education here: